I'm not entirely sure why this is happening. Why are people wearing glasses when they don't have a problem with their eye sight? It's like it's not enough with sunglasses. "Let's take it a step further" kinda thing. But, you know what? It's a step too far, my friends...
They've made wearing glasses into a trendy thing. Where does that leave me, a near-sighted person with glasses? What am I suppose to do in a years time when it's not fashionable any more?

I'll tell you what. Nothing, nada, zero. These kids running around with oversized glasses - some with see-through plastic, others with nothing - are ridiculing the people who has to wear them.
I wear them because I have a problem. My eye sight is damaged. I'm, if you like, disabled and these people are taking the piss out of that. You don't see me running around with crutches or rolling down the street in a bloody wheelchair, do you?
The problem is that it's not just Shoreditch twats who wear them. The celebs are sporting fake glasses as well. For some reasons it's hip hop stars who have taken a particular liking them, as these pictures show. If anyone I accuse actually do have an eye sight problem, and therefore wear glasses, then I apologise. But this has got to stop. I hereby declare glasses to be unfashionable...
Thankfully, you have spoken my mind. These glasses rarely complement the wearer. Hopefully the trend will soon pass, and at least they are not neon shutters.
I quite like them. I have always found glasses to be something very attractive and makes one look intellectual (and thus appealing) so I enjoy the fact that these celebs are celebrating glasses! Even if it goes out of fashion, at least they have shown how glasses aren't things we should be ashamed of...
[I don't own glasses]
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