He's got nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, Martin Margiela is one of the world's most influential designers but he's as shy as Burial. Few people knows what he looks like, is he even alive? Is Martin Margiela a myth orchestrated by an army of designers and PR officers in a Paris basement? That doesn't seem to be the case, anyway according to this New York Times article and accompanying picture. Admittedly it's from circa 1997, but what's a decade here and there when we're celebrating MMM's 20th anniversary.
More shocking news, from the same article, is that dear Martin might give up designing his label. He has of course had plenty of help during the years but it would be a shame if he abstained entirely. Renzo Rosso, Diesel's founder and part time owner of MMM, said: “We are very happy with Martin, but for a long time he has a strong team and does not work on the collection, just special projects.”
We say good luck you and feel free to come back anytime, Mr Martin...
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