Bryan Adams
St James Church
Last Night
What is Bryan Adams' obsession with the number 11? But does our reviewer think his performance was worth 11 out of 5?
Bryan Adams
St James Church
Last Night
What is Bryan Adams' obsession with the number 11? His London gig – on March 11 – is part of an 11-day tour of 11 countries in Europe. Each gig is made up of 11 songs. His new album is called…11. The 49-year-old Canadian soft-rocker says it’s just because this is his 11th studio album and that needs celebrating.
So Adams rented the beautiful St James Church for an evening and, with just an acoustic guitar and harmonica, let his wheezing voice fill the toast-whiffy chapel (Adams accidentally set fire to his toaster backstage).
A 600-strong crowd hummed and clapped to old hits like Cuts Like A Knife and crowd pleaser Summer of 69. A few hardcore fans already knew the new songs and cheered for current single Thought I’d Seen Everything but most seemed satisfied just to hear Adams’ back catalogue.
Clad in black and lit up by four strong spotlights, he looked a bit awkward in the religious setting and confessed to never having played a church before. His brand of love-drenched rock ballads never really fitted in until he, and the whole congregation, sang “We’re in heaven”.
David Hellqvist
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